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Monday, March 4, 2013

Promote like a Pro: Tweetups, Contests, and More...

This week we're brainstorming ideas for how to combine promotional products with online marketing strategies. 
Here's what we've come up with so far:

Organize a Tweetup: Tweet the time and place for your next Tweetup, and encourage followers to attend by offering a free tote bag, travel mug, or padfolio for the first 10, 20, or 50 guests who show up.  

Stage a photo contest: Distribute t-shirts, mugs, sunglasses, hats or cuddly plush toys to be used in an online photo contest. Fans and followers take pictures with your promotional product and share them on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest. The more creative the better! 

Reach more readers: Expand your email list by using promotional products as an incentive to opt in. Offer a free travel mug, iPad case, messenger bag, or desk organizer for new subscribers to your email newsletter.

Get 'liked' at trade shows: Give away smartphone accessories imprinted with your logo at your next trade show for visitors who 'like' your Facebook page on the spot.

Have an idea for how to use promotional products online?
Leave us a comment below!